I know I shouldn't be lured into buying designer bag. I'm a cheapskate, yes, I don't mind going to work with my 10 bucks beach sandals(in fact I am wearing em now,sungguh nyaman) or those generic Vincci sandals,but good handbags are my weakness.
When I saw it online, I told myself that I just hafta bag it tho I could already imagine how my mum would react to it along with her jangan lah membazir speech when she found out about it later. C***? Well, I think he has given up complaining about it.(He might as well start helping me buying it instead. he he)
So yea, no more shopping spree for the next two months(if only I could refrain myself) since my next paycheque is coming out next week but I'm already half way done with it.Tsk tsk.
But hey, I worked hard for it. I need to get myself something nice sometimes, no? Takkan dengan diri sendiri pon kedekut? he he.(Ayat penyedap hati selepas melihat saving yang semakin sikit.)
At least I don't need to buy anybody a bling2 next month.
Dearest, saya nak yang besaq punya. Okie? :P
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Yours Truly
Mother of Three Boys?6 years ago
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