of.moving out.&.me.

of.moving out.&.me.

I had the most productive, exciting, tiring, exhilarating and fun weekend.

I spent my Saturday going up, down, in and out of the old place to the new one. The old place was on the 4th floor and the current place is on the 13th so it explains why I managed to push myself to go up(4th floor) and down(3rd floor parking) for like 15 times(tho my knees already turned to jelly during the 5th round) to load my little 4wd and C***'s mpv with my harta karun during the 1st half of the moving process.

Blardy tiring I tell ya - tho truthfully C*** was the one who lifted all the heavy loads, the berat macam batu bata box with books, the parts of the bed frame(which I tried to lift but my hands were totally strained macam nak tercabut so I gave up), the mini closet and whatnot.

When I closed the back door of my 4wd and took a breath of relief, I cringed at the thought that we still have the unloading to do. Like another round of angkat berat? What the hell. T__T

We finished with the whole loading and unloading thing in 4 freaking hours. Had lunch at Kg.Baru which almost give me high bp due to the heavily salted lauk. Later we headed to Jusco to get myself a curtain(the old blind went a wee bit haywire) but couldn't find any but I ended up with a cute water bottle and a hand-painted mug.

C*** sent me back home right after Maghrib & I proceeded with the unpacking,sorting and kong out sometime after 1 a.m.

End of the story.

No? Okie next!

My Sunday came with me waking up whilst having the worst strained, throbbing feeling arms ever. It was impossible to bend my hands during the 1st two hours.

Painful, throbbing arms aside, as long as I could walk(or mop around the mall) I still plan to have a nice lunch, a wee bit of shopping and catch a movie with C*** but decided not to call and wake him up yet coz I bet he was dead tired from all the heavy lifting yesterday but noooo, apparently he's not - coz whilst I was sorting up my stuff he called and said that he's on his way to my place,like apakah ini mamat? Badang kah? Thank God I had my shower and I managed to ditch everything and got ready within 20 minutes and we reached The Curve by noon.

We had a simple lunch at Italiannies, mopped around the mall a little whilst slurping on Juicework(oddly there's always a space for this no matter how stuffed I am after a meal), picked up the movie tickets(Benjamin Button!Finally!),solat and went in for the movie at 3.35p.m.(not before C*** stepped on my sandals at the entrance and broke it. he he. Tried hard to sulk but it was not working. He kept on saying that's it's an omen for my bad shoe-addiction.)

The movie was looong. We got out of the movie welcomed by a heavy downfalls with an hour to spare before Maghrib so we quickly had our Asar prayers. Bought myself a new pair of cute sandals(which C*** couldn't complaint coz he's the cause of it. :P ). Went into IKEA for my bedlinen(which I later returned sebab I changed my mind,hey it's okie to change your mind bak kata IKEA :P ) & wall mirrors.

Rush to the surau for Maghrib and roamed the mall a little more for another set of bedlinen,found it,bought it and left the mall whilst it was raining cats and dogs. Scary.

Owh,we had dinner at 10p.m(so much of a healthy diet) after a little detour and reached home at 11.

Well, if you're wondering. The new place's great(so far tho the bathroom needs a little scrubbing and whatnot), Alhamdulillah but I'm yet to find a parking bay for my bf so he hafta be parked outside(I'm praying for its safety).

Okie,that's about it. I'm off now.

Have a great week. Tata.


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