

I'm going back home tonight! Whoppie! So yea, lets be easy on the whiny department okie? I had enough whine and dine this week.

Since I'm in the good mood(for no apparent reason). I'm going to rummage my handbag for everybody to see, like yea, it's a tag where I'm supposed to show everybody what's the isi perot of my bag - a request from someone (which I'm not quite sure who is it anymore).

Owh well, here goes nothing.(Click for bigger pix)

  • o1: The must have mints. It's like breathe freshener,ubat tahan mengantuk dan tahan bosan all in one. Good stuff comes in small package ey?

  • o2: The handyplast for the unexpected events, blisters and whatnot. When I was younger I used to collect those handyplast with the colorful patterns,sekarang semua dah buang.

  • o3: My Anna Sui butterfly mirror, like.. I'm not quite sure why I have it at the 1st place. It's not like I'm the I like touching up my makeup on the go type, so vain.

  • o4: The ladybird clip, I dunno how it got there at the 1st place, I usually used it to clip my apsal asyik-asyik nak terslip from the hanger baju. It's cute and all that plus it won't leave a mark on the baju yang dikepit.

  • o5: Loose change, it's just there, hasil daripada insignificant transactions.

  • o6: Lancome Miracle miniature, don't know why it's there since I don't really fancy the smell, just simply heret je kemana-mana,bukan berat pon. Just in case.

  • o7: Small brooches for backup, in case the one that I'm wearing patah ke hilang ke ape.

  • o8:A small pen, in case I feel like doodling or write my number on some good looking guy's palm or something.Opps :P

  • 09: The Bobbi Brown lips pallete which takes forever to finish.Owh bosan.

  • 10: My hand sanitizer that actually smells like sumi orange. (Sumi what? Ya know,the jelly in those cone-shaped little container yang like sangat popular when I was little,skarang pon ade je lagi. ) This is a must have item since my hands like to do the mari mengembang dan rasa gatal-gatal acts. I don't really know why, but it happens especially when I hold onto something yang berkuman(duh!) like kasut kat kedai yang dah 10 ribu orang test on or something. Weird.

  • 11: My eyeliners, the el-chepo pink Pearl eyeliner and my must have Dior black eyeliner.

  • 12: Body lotion which happened to have a history related to C***. Well, I stole got it from him and he gave me the "Eee..tak malu mintak/curik" or something like that kinda remarks but I took it anyway.hehe. It's not because of the lotion coz I already flushed the whole content into the toilet( coz it smells like man's perfume), it's the bottle that I want so that I could fill it with my favorite lotion instead . :P

  • 13: The L'Occitane en Provence hand cream, I simply like the cream and the packaging, the bigger version of it actually look like a tube of over-sized water color.

  • 14: The lippies, just like the lips pallete, both Loreal & Lancome lippies tak jugak abis-abis, nanti dah bau semacam,terus buang.

  • 15: Nivea lip care, I actually love using this in the office, working in the fridge office gimme chapped lips. Eee...

  • 16: The easy on the pocket Guess wallet, my precious wallet was stolen earlier this year so yea, now I settle with a cheap one sudah la, kot apa-apa takde la meroyan.

  • 17: Since I happened to rummage my handbag on a weekday, of coz lah ade my staff id. I intentionally wrap it that way so you won't be looking at the scary picture of me. hehe.

  • 18: The oil blotter. My face can actually be used as a frying pan sometimes,so yea. You don't want the food to be way too oily, would you?

  • 19: My must have cellphone, yea not a 3G phone or whatnot, tho I'm a self-proclaimed geek. Owh well, it's a replacement for the one that was stolen. I hafta thank C*** for his monthly installment scheme.hehe . :x

  • 20: A lil bag for the celly that I bought on an impulse. Like yea,what's new with that? Plus it's cheap,so yea.No biggie.

Some other stuff that are usually in the bag tapi tah mana dicampak dan disembunyi kerana terlalu private when I took this pic gotta be

  • 21: The house and car keys.

  • 22: The thumb-drive.A geek's must have.

  • 23: My monthly travel card.

  • 24: Some stuff :P

Ghee..those stuff in my bag make me look like a gurly girl, when I'm actually not - at least not really coz I used to give my mum the "tapi baju/kasut tu macam perempuan sangat :( " line which she replied with "Dah tu? Anak bukan perempuan?". Those were the days. Now I wear & collect skirts like nobody's business, perhaps my mum prayed for it out of the ultimate fear that she would have 2 sons instead of 1. :P

Owh I'm off.

Happy weekend.


Anonymous said...

meowwwww...soo girly girly laaa..girl-girl...heheheh:P..oiwwhh i paling ingat kertas minyak lap muka tu....mmg handy..

MsAnak said...

Haha. Tu la,ingatkan ganas tp macam terlebih perempuan la pulak :P Owh,itu mmg handy.hehe

mar!ahaf!z said...

sis, anna sui mirror tu cute la, kalau i pun nak ada jugak, walaupun xde keperluan..tehee

i pun mcm u jugak, i wash my hands like hundred times a day.. ntah xtau nape.. rasa mcm x bersih aje.. kalau buat smtg, pegang smtg, pastu kalau x basuh, tiba2 je ada rasa gatal2.. my hubby ckp, itu perasaan me je..
but but.. hmmmm

u ada eiffel tower nyer keychain !!
my hubby bought one for me during his stay dkt sana.. he bought me a coin purse wt that keychain attached to it.
he wanted to buy bigger bag but scared i might not like it. plus it will cost him dekat RM100 for a souvenir..
im glad he didnt buy it. kecik pun dah cukup.. xyah bazir, ni pun i dah suka..

MsAnak said...

Yea,kecik2 pon its the thought that counts. Kat rumah macam ade satu bag of the keychains. Tsk tsk.

Me pon rase pelik byk sangat bende yang me dont know how it got there at the 1st place.hehe.

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