

Lemme tell you something..

I'm truly demotivated right now hence the towering amount of workload.Tre, sangat kurang rajin.

It's like my shitty mind, owkay fine. It's actually me. I somehow refuse to think about anything else (especially the workload) but..

o1.: The weekend. The good food. C***. The paycheque and more shoes (& the unnecessary accessories, clothes ) hunting.

o2.: The looong weekend next week, okie it's not THAT loooong but I'll be able to spend 4 days at home(read:K.E.D.A.H.home sweet home and blardy good home-cooked food.) - which is twice as long compared to the normal weekend right? Right. How come? Go figure. :P

o3.: There's a nagging pain & kesengalan at the wrist. I've developed CTS(CTS what? google it) or what? Hmmppp...(mental note:I need to replace the battery of my fav watch. I've been watch-less for a week now just because it feels rather absurd to wear the other watches. Favoritism.)

o4.: More shoes and I need a batch of new tudung for.... hmmpp..nothing.

o5.: Going for dates hunting. No. Not the "I love dating" dates. It's the dates, the fruit of the date palm dates. Geddit? Owkay, dad seems to love those stuff nowadays - mostly due to his gastric and I'm going to get him every type of dates that I could get my hands on.

o6.: Another trip of silk hunting at the silk road (read:Jalan TAR). Mummy gonna love a suit or two.

Owh well,I'm off.

Better try to get some work done now.



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