Friday!Penghulu segala hari,marking the end of my weekdays. Bliss.
I just spend another handful of my
hard earned cash(note the
my,I'm actually and finally earning it myself.yey me?) on stuff that I don't really need. Another bottle of body polish & shower cream (
dah berlonggok kat rumah,nampaknya boleh memulakan hobby mengumpul shower cream), few packs of face and ehem,foot mask and a tube of OXY(
yes this is an essential,tho the zits only pop up once in a while & this particular drug-store brand happened to be the only one that works for me).
Lucky me,C***'s not around to witness me going haywire over the excessive SALE signs in MV, else he'll knock me over with his fav habitual statement
"Ni lah pompuan.." along with his signature smug. Owh well.. :P
I'm sooo into Tim Burton's, I've told C*** that this is my ultimate
must watch movie and being him,the
it's okay with me,whatever you wish dear person, he agreed to be dragged along (
tho I'm like 99% sure bahawa dia akan kebosanan tatkala melihat movie itu nanti).So I've booked a couple of tickets to catch Sweeney Todd tomorrow.
Creepy + black & white atmosphere + music + blood(?) = I can't wait. It's oozing with excitement you see. Teehee.. hopefully it's exciting enough to keep
mon cher awake throughout the movie, else I hafta face a cranky or a very very bored
mon cher at the end of the show. Perhaps I should stuff him up before the show, a well fed
mon cher is always a happy one. Trust me. I know. :D
Owh, need to finish up the coding and debug the system - else I'm not going to be able enjoy my weekend (
coz the thought of it will keeps on nagging me,erks!) & the project manager will keeps on bugging me like a fly.
Oii!Saya stress la macam ni, kalau reti buat sendiri la,boleh? Ape? Tak? Finee..
I'm off.
Happy weekend!
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