

Talking bout Friday blues - awal-awal dah takde mood nak buat ape2 - blame it to the carefree project-less weekend (though the VB.net thingy is already in.)

What you don't know won't hurt you.So buat-buat luper jer lah.Tra la la la.

Owh,I feel like getting myself something new.The impulsive-shopper in me dah lama tak muncul. A good sign? No? So I thought.Lepas ni boleh pegi memboroskan diri.Ehem! :D

On the other note, Congratz C***, you made it!Yey!Dah officially abis skolah. I owe you a treat okie. Ice cream? :P

Well,I'm off.Ade project briefing la pulak,kacau je



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