

I'm done with the couz's wedding,the huhahuha night reception marked the end of the 3 days 3 nights event.

But there's something that never ends, the maciks' end of the event reports & comparison sessions.

Who's gave the best door-gifts.

Who's got the better looking daughter/son in law.

Who's prepared the most grand looking pelamin

Who's chosen the right theme color.

Who's provided the best fattening food.

Who's got the higher duit hantaran and all those wedding craps.

Who's spent the most for a wedding reception.

& the list goes on & on & on & on...


Mental note:Guess that I hafta opt for something that can't be compared. *raised eyebrow*


Amiruddin Karim said...

Hahahahha... Now that's what we call ECONOMICS and the economics of scale.. price will rise when demands are high..

Still, up to one extent, profit margin will increase when customers loyalty is high as more people keep coming back..

My suggestion : Make suyre the marriage short.. so duit hantaran will come back again from another 'customer' .. and you compete again..

Bukan gitu makcik??

MsAnak said...

How bout multiple customers? Possible? No? :P

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