

You are 30.16% jealous!
For this test, the average jealousy percentage is 35.54%.
533164 people have taken this test to date.

This percentage means that :

o1.you are not a jealous person, but sometimes can be.This is rather NORMAL right?
o2.occasionally, you over-react to situations.hee..
o3.most of the time, you trust the people around.think +ve eh?
o4. jealously will not be a major issue in your relationships, but you might want to improve your self-esteem.My self-esteem?Hmpp..

So I'm 30.16% jealous? My missing other half hafta be real lucky. :P Its easier to fade into the background and be cured rather than turning all greenish with envy,don't you think? No?

Owh,this is amusing.Kill..err..programmer rawks. :P


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