
It has been more than a week since the new year and I'm yet to write a single post in the brand new year.

Owh well?

I'm never keen of new year celebration or whatnot. Call me indifferent, but honestly, it doesn't have to take a whole new year for us to finally resolve to be a better person or write up an endless list of resolutions etc.

Yea, new year resolutions give people like tonnes of reasons to procrastinate. Yes? I'm quite awesome in procrastinating, so I resolve not to have any - besides the customary I-wanna-be-a-better-person resolution that is - I'll just set my goal as I go (trust me, I have many), so there won't be any case of 4 years old resolution yang tak jugak tercapai.Ehem.

Anyway, I slept my new year eve away with the little one. It was blissful. Woken up for a bit by the exploding fireworks but I'm no longer a 5 years old who could be mesmerized by fireworks so I couldn't be bothered to stay up for em.

We spent the 1st day of new year with a trip to Seremban to visit C***'s grandfather at the GH. Seeing him at the massively crowded hospital was somewhat heartbreaking.

Instead of giving out money for those young people to get themselves a smartphone so they won't be denied the chance to camwhore on Instagram,(if they could even consider buying an Ip5, obviously kena la mampu, yes? Buat ape la nak bagi rebate bagai for an expensive phone. Lain la kalau setakat nak beli smartphone brand Cokiah pon kena 4 tahun menabung. Like, owh takde Ip5 yer? Tak cukup duit? Kesian, nah duit. Pi beli. Nanti amek gambaq muka duckface banyak-banyak yer. Blurrgh.)

It would be better to use em in refurbishing the hospital instead. Replacing the horribly faded bed sheet and hospital attires would be a good start. Awesome sangat la kan, orang sakit bagi pakai baju dengan color yang equally sickening. What a way to boost their spirits, reverse psychology kot?

Owh, I have nothing against government rebates scheme. I'm all about helping the needy and whatnot. Some are good, but this one is rather funny. T_T

Moving on, C*** has to work during the weekend, so I brought Myra to our favourite Paed for her scheduled immunization with the MIL. The queue was pretty long, so we had to wait for more than an hour before our turn. How she screamed her lungs out the moment the doc started with the checkups. I reckon she's still somewhat traumatized from the recent incident. Poor baby.

I even asked the doc to prescribe something better to cure the rashes on her right knee. Like yea, it has been there since as long as I can remember. Surely a toddler and itchy rashes are a bad combo. Baru je nak baik, dok pi garu-garu until it was a bloody mess. Pehtu kena ayaq, tau pedih. Stress mak nak. *pull hairs*

The more reason for me not to dress her up in fancy schmancy thousand layers dresses - which gives her an easy access to scratch on her knee. I like her better in simple (but insanely cute) short dress/tops/tunic paired with a legging/quarter jeans. No messy fairy princess dresses please. Forgive me for your non existent fairy princess dream baby as it's such an overkill for me. Malaysian weather and fancy dresses don't go well together, unless you live in a house that comes together with a throne.

On a lighter note, we'll be off to Bandung for our 1st getaway of the year sometime this week - a plane ride to better prepare the little one for the 6 hours long flight coming in March. It gives me goosebumps just by thinking of it. Balik Kedah 4 jam pon dah mengelupuq, how lah to be cooped in the plane for 6.

I have nothing much on my shopping list. A shopping spree with an active toddler and the not-so-shopaholic other half could be such a bore sometimes as I could never ever shop hastily like a man. Where's the pleasure in that kan? Kena la belek empat puluh baju like seratus kali dulu before eventually, ended up buying the 1st baju that you saw. :P

So yea, I'm just going to enjoy my time with my babies whilst hauling whatever that caught my fancy as long as my moolah permits.

 Owh, Happy New Year people.


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