of.random ramblings.&.me.

I have Myra's milestones post coming, but I feel like rambling for a bit.

o1. I detest stupid and manipulating users. Ditambah pula dengan penipuan yang makes ya wanna go "Do you think that we're that stupid?". Agak-agak la kalau nak menipu to save your own sorry ass pon. Haih.

o2. I accidentally ruined C***'s gorgeous (& super new) off-white linen shirt - thanks to color transfer from my (equally new) yellow tops - tho I've meticulously separated em during washing, tapi boleh terlupa la pulak pegi letak side by side before hanging em dry. Well, it's not entirely ruined, it's wearable if ya the sort who doesn't mind wearing a faintly blotchy shirt. So yea, I'm getting to the end of my rope in figuring out on how to remove the color transfer, like completely. C***'s still waiting for final result of my endless cleaning. Must.get.it.back.to.normal.quick!

o3. We're planning to travel for a bit in the next few months (after much procrastination on both sides) . Somewhere not too fancy or too far. 3 locations to-date. We'll start it off with somewhere local (& very near from home) next month. Must start menabung. :)

o4. I'm going to be a year older (& wiser) in few days(read: my freaking birthday is coming) and looking at last year's 'celebration', it's better not to expect for anything (I think, else the frustration will be more than I could take. Yes, I take birthdays seriously. Thank you.)

o5. I need a new cell phone. Like pronto.

o6. Thinking of getting something useful for the parents. Electric massage chair, yes? Kalau VW Passat CC sebijik, kena makan roti pulak hari-hari nanti, tu pon kalau ada balance duit tu cukup if nak beli roti. :P

o7. The other day we talked bout stuff that we wanna do when we got ourselves our own crib. Owh cepat lah darling, let's not waste more of our hard earned moolah for rent payment. I can't wait to get my own little perfect kitchen.(Sungguh la macik.)

o8. Someone at work commented on how spotless my little Cik Puteh (read:Car) is - when it's actually not. It's probably some kind of optical illusion or something because all this while C***'s forever complaining on how nasty it looks - sebab tuan dia malas hantaq cuci. Owh well.

o9. I'm so going to stuff myself with ice cream after work - semoga the quart of BR masih berbaki.


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