of.the lost.&.me.

I've been stalling from writing bout one particular matter since forever. No, Myra's not going to get any sibling anytime soon or the sort. he he. Let's wait for another year (or probably two) for that.

I digress.

Okay, I've been stalling from writing bout something since writing it makes me feel like I'm finally admitting to the fact that it's finally gone, for good. Lost, never to be found again.

It feels like I'm giving up on hope - to ever find it again.

Well, this is beyond crappy, I've lost my ring, my freaking wedding ring. It went missing sometime months ago, whilst we were in Malacca for our weekend balik kampung.

I am sure that I didn't misplaced it as I rarely take it off sesuka hati, so I reckon that it just slipped off my finger - yea, it's a loose fitting(especially after we're blessed with Myra, BF helps me to lose weight, apparently on the fingers T_T ) - which is my bad as I didn't get the chance to get it re-sized.

So yea, I've come to term with the fact that it's gone now, that our jodoh ended and it's no longer my rezeki.

C***'s sorta cool about it - dah hilang nak buat macam mane? -tho he'd mock me bout losing it sometimes.

He didn't offer for a replacement, but paid for one anyway when were at the jewelery shop last week - as I wanted to look for a simple ring as a token of remembrance of the missing one(sob sob) - which didn't come cheap tapi tu lah

tho we could absolutely afford a much better one this time (sebab not in a cheapskate mood compared to how we were last time sebab takot terover budget nak kawen),

tho C*** cheekily put the new ring on my finger right after he paid for it together with the tacky "Will you marry me?" line right in front of the crowd - imagine a guy with a baby(Myra was in the babyBjorn), asking ya to marry him ALOUD. Yeah, sure darling. :x

Yea, I know. All the ring in this world could never replace the missing one - tho we did see one of rather similar pattern. Sama tapi tak serupa, yes?

I might not sound that upset now, I was and still am but my sane mind decided not to go meroyan about it. After all, I still own the person that gave me the ring.

All is well, all is well.


Nash Rahim said...

Hehehe...sorry mencelah...
Abg Nan lost our/his wedding ring jugak!!!! geramnya!!! dah lama. "all is well...all is well".

MsAnak said...

Hehe. Rasanya my other half pon mmg adelah geram seperti Kak long. Tapi nasik sudah menjadi bubur. :P

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