
When you are blessed with a wonderful life,be thxful.

When you are being left behind,move on.

When the final exam is comin,STUDY! T_T

haha.Few days more to go before the 1st paper,and here I am,doin the most crappy thing in the whole universe - bloggin crappin. :P

Hafta study some of the chaps for OS(read:Owh-SOboring).11 chaps.JOY.

Well,goin to my roomie's place tomorrow,her beloved sis kawen,so I might as well go there,stuff myself up sambil mencuci mata tolong ape2 yang patut.*roll eyes*

It has been quite a while since the last weddin that me pegi and Im still waitin for my beloved couz and makcu to tie the knot.Biler diorg nak kawen nih??Are they waitin for me or whut?

Owh yeah,hafta find my baju kurung first.I dont know whether they are still exist or not.The last time I saw em,err..must be 3 months back while I was movin from the hostel to Cyberia. :P Im so not a big fan of baju kurung(read:I rarely wear baju kurung.One of my friend actually told me that its a major bliss to see me in baju kurung.haha.How amusing).Its not like I dont like em,but..err..its unexplainable.

Ermm..One thing for sure,it wont be anythin fancy tomorrow,coz Im 110% sure that I didnt bring any of my fancy baju kurung - those glitterin,eyes blinding baju kurung. :P

So I'll just settle down with a simple one tomorrow.But not as simple as I dont have to iron them :P haha!There's nothin simple with baju kurung,especially mine - my mum is a HUGE fan of baju kurung.She has tons of em.Guess that I might be able to swim in the sea of my mummy's baju kurung just like whut I did when I was younger.Its fun,trust me.Nothin better than "swimmin" in the silky sea except for the part bile kena marah lah :P.

Hee..I rather spend my money on a new high-tech gadget rather then buyin a fancy baju kurung,but obviously not my mum.Italian silk,korean silk..yada yada.Whutever.

Regardless the fact that I rarely wear baju kurung,my mum still keeps on makin em for me. :P I still have 2 brand new baju kurung waitin for me at home.Mucho gracias.Rezeki jgn ditolak but why baju kurung? :P

Enough crappin.Im off.

Time to study o_O

*nerd-mode activated*


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